I was just chillin out in my apartment listening to music.
Then this came on:

Ace of Base.
Hello childhood. I've missed you.
Seriously though, it took me straight back to my younger years.
Random memories were just popping into my head
and I starting thinking about my brother, Benjamin:

He's a pretty stellar guy.
Of course, he can be a punk, but what can you expect from an older brother?
Right now is an especially exciting time for him, seeing as he is engaged and set to be married at the end of April.
I am more than happy for him, but it's a bittersweet time.
His marriage will mark the end of our era together as the youngest siblings, wild and crazy.
He'll be starting a new chapter in his life.
I won't be far behind, but for a while, things will be different.
Luckily, I adore his finacee, Becca:

She's a real gem.
I'm excited to have a sister-in-law my age.
This could be dreadful, if she were some big crazy,
but I'll vouch for her-- she's awesome.
I'll be honest, I'm not a big fan of change, but
we were taught,"come what may and love it," right?
Well, that is exactly what I am going to do.
Welcome to the family Becca.