Monday, March 29, 2010


lI love my job.
Because I get to overhear things like this,
"I'm staying summer term so I can change my status from single, to player."
Life is so good.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Garage Sales

It's that time of year again.
The sun is shining brighter, the sky is bluer
and people are holding their annual
g.a.r.a.g.e. s.a.l.e.s.
I went "garage sailing" for the first time this season.
It was splendid.
I kept my purchases to a minimum, seeing as I have to store everything I have in Provo while I'm in Ohio for the summer.
However, I couldn't resist buying myself 3 decorative pillows.
They are hideous, but that's why it's so great.
Now I have a sewing project: Slip Covers.
Life is so good.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Blast to the past.

I was just chillin out in my apartment listening to music.
Then this came on:Ace of Base.

Hello childhood. I've missed you.
Seriously though, it took me straight back to my younger years.
Random memories were just popping into my head
and I starting thinking about my brother, Benjamin:
He's a pretty stellar guy.
Of course, he can be a punk, but what can you expect from an older brother?
Right now is an especially exciting time for him, seeing as he is engaged and set to be married at the end of April.
I am more than happy for him, but it's a bittersweet time.
His marriage will mark the end of our era together as the youngest siblings, wild and crazy.
He'll be starting a new chapter in his life.
I won't be far behind, but for a while, things will be different.
Luckily, I adore his finacee, Becca:She's a real gem.
I'm excited to have a sister-in-law my age.
This could be dreadful, if she were some big crazy,
but I'll vouch for her-- she's awesome.

I'll be honest, I'm not a big fan of change, but
we were taught,"come what may and love it," right?
Well, that is exactly what I am going to do.
Welcome to the family Becca.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Shout out.

I decided today is a good day to give a shout out to my roommies.
Why is it a 'good' day to do this? Well, there's no real reason...
I just adore them and couldn't help myself.
So here we go.

Hilary Collins.
This woman is fierce.
Once she dedicates herself to something, there's no going back.
She is an amazing runner.
Really though.
And get this, she even goes running when she is sick and on her death bed. That's just a taste of how hardcore she is.
She is fully of crazy ideas...
Box springs, anyone?
Hilary Collins is great.

Marlee Redford.
M. Reddy
Funkiest girl I know.
Marlee's got soul.
She's quick to bust a move and have a good time.
She knows how to deal.
This woman makes some of the best cookies I have EVER had. Wow, just thinking about them makes me hungry.
Marlee Redford is great.

Ashley Walter.
In my mind, Ashley is the "peacemaker"
She is kind and considerate.
When I think of Shleey, I can't help but think of how sweet she is.
However, she isn't just nice.
She is also insane.
Ashley makes my 'wildest' dreams come true.
When I suggest something ridiculous, she makes it happen.
Ashley Walter is great.

Basically, my roommates are fantastic.
Of course we have our up and downs.
But in the end, they're always there for me.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Rain rain go away.

Dear Utah,
Please explain to me what just happened.
We had excellent weather and it felt like spring.
Then BAM.
You tricked me.
It turned from a beautiful spring day into a snow storm.
At least the trees look pretty... I'll give you props for that.
Just let me know when you're ready to warm up for real, okay?