Then end of the semester is always stressful.
This time around, it was unusually so.
I seriously felt like my life was falling to pieces.
I kept forgetting to do assignments, take quizzes, etc.
Luckily, I am surrounded by some amazing people.
On Monday, I woke up at 7:02... I was supposed to be AT work at 7. Frantically, I start running around the apartment trying to get ready. Miss Redford was an angel and she drove me to work. I clocked in at 7:12.
Mr. Cornwall was also a great friend this week.
If you want to know what the definition of a nice guy is, just talk to him. I was in a bind Sunday night and he helped me out, no questions asked. He even covered a part of my shift so I could get all my school work done.
Another gem that has helped me out this week is Miss Walter.
I was extremely tired and I wanted to go to bed SO bad, but my hair was wet and it had to be done before I could hit the hay. I was so exhausted that I was incoherent. Ashley rescued me by doing my hair for me. That's right, she blow dried and straightened my hair.
Now, we can't forget Mr. J. Nelson.
He is undoubtedly the best listener I have EVER met.
Not only is he a pro listener, he's also great at giving advice. I'm pretty sure he's a sage.
And my life wouldn't be complete without Miss Collins.
She provides comic relief to my life.
This girl can make me laugh no matter what is bothering me. When I started to feel overwhelmed she would crack a joke and make me smile.
I also want to give a shout out to my Nursing Friends and my Anatomy Buddies.
These people came into my life this semester and made the past four months a complete success. They helped me study and have fun while I was at it. When I got bogged down, they would make study groups and split up the work. I'm glad that I get to continue on with my fellow nurse comrades, but I'll sincerely miss my anatomy friends cramming for the week quizzes with me.
Basically, my life would be a wreck if it weren't for the fantastic people around me. I know when something goes wrong, there is always someone to turn to.