Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Life is absolutely insane right now... but I love it.
First and foremost, I am engaged to Paul Hannibal!!
It happened late on Friday night (Jan 21st).
It was a complete surprise.
I wasn't expecting anything til late February.
However, Paul was all sorts of sneaky and bought the ring without me even know.
He did such a great job :]
I seriously love it.

The date for the wedding is set: May 26, 2011
And today, I made one of my biggest purchases--
Airplane tickets!
Paul and I are flying home a week before the wedding so I can be with my family the first time I go through the Temple. I am so dang excited!
Life is good.


  1. This is so exciting Pibbs. I love your ring, actually that is very similar to mine! Where will the wedding be ?

  2. My life is goooood. Ees reeeal good.

  3. I am so excited for you!! :) Congratulations!

  4. That is so awesome! I'm in love with your ring! Congrats! :)

  5. Corey- We're getting married in the Salt Lake City Temple!

    And thanks ladies for the support. You all rock.
